

8:00am | Dec 31st, 2011

Goodbyes are always hard and this one is no exception.

This blog has served me well over the past 2.5 years to be exact. It started off as its own little drum beat in the corner of the internet and it’s grown a lot since then.

But the thing is, so have I and I’d rather not tarnish this too much. There’s still around 4,000 posts here waiting for some love if you haven’t seen them all.

From heartbroken at the start of college, to having shirts of our very own, to people sending in lovely letters, to a giant comments page/thread where people have shared anything from rants, raves, links, and missed connections.

I’m so glad I did this and I really, really enjoyed all the expected and (especially) the unexpected experiences I had out of this and I hope that for any of you who were inspired here, to keep on being amazing.

If you’re reading this, thank you. Really. I appreciate it.

And as coined by the Writer’s Almanac,

Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.

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