

Tom Hanks

Apr 21st, 2010

Tom Hanks doesn’t exist in Tom Hanks movies. Let that sink in.

“You ever think about how in, like, a Tom Hanks movie, everyone lives in a reality in which there’s no such person as Tom Hanks? Because otherwise, people would be mistaking the main character for Tom Hanks all the time? So either Tom Hanks doesn’t exist in the world the movie takes place in, or he does exist but he looks like someone else?”

Read the full article.

-Via Kottke

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The Day Einstein Died

Apr 20th, 2010

Here’s two photographs of Albert Einstein’s Princeton desk taken only a few hours after he died in 1955.

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A Bottle of Scotch Makes All the Difference

“I grabbed my cameras and drove the ninety miles to Princeton,” Ralph Morse, the photographer, recalls. “Einstein died at the Princeton Hospital, so I headed there first. But it was chaos — so many journalists, photographers, onlookers milling around outside what, back then, was a really small hospital. ‘Forget this,’ I said, and headed over to the building where Einstein’s office was. On the way there, I stopped and bought a case of scotch. I knew people might be reluctant to talk to me, and I knew that most people were happy to accept a bottle of scotch instead of money if you offered it in exchange for their help. So, I get to the building and nobody’s there. I find the superintendent, give him a fifth of scotch, and he opens up Einstein’s office so I can take some photos.”

-Via Kottke

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Cynic with a Pencil

Apr 18th, 2010


Boboherlihy Goku

Here is Student/Illustrator Bobby O’Herlihy. I am a huge fan of his work. His process of creating images is so unique and interesting.

Check out more at his blog, Cynic with a Pencil.

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Want vs. Need: Erin Hanson

Apr 17th, 2010



See more at You Might Like This.

-Via Papertissue

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Levelus Spirit Level Perfume

Apr 16th, 2010

Levelus Spirit Level Perfume

This spirit level, which is also a bottle of perfume, is something an elegant carpenter could never do without. Designed by Art. Lebedev.

-Via Likecool

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Paperclip Nest

Apr 15th, 2010


“I want this like yesterday. The aptly names Nest is a magnetic shaped egg you need to coddle and care for by building a nest of paperclips. Keeps it stable and like any good mother, you may get a wonderful surprise after a few months. I’m totally kidding about that although if anything hatches, please write me. That deserves a story.”

-Via Yankodesign

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Eggshell Garden

Apr 15th, 2010


Seedlings 3

-Via Loveandoliveoil

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Little Lands

Apr 15th, 2010




-Via Behance

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Alexandra Bisonó Book Covers

Apr 15th, 2010

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-Via Coroflot

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Ray’s Pizza

Apr 15th, 2010

Sittin’ at Ray’s Pizza drinking sweet tea on a breezy afternoon :D

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