  1. I miss this blog so much :(

  2. This blog saved my life.

  3. I found your site a little over a year ago and have been coming to it ever since because of all the warm heartfelt posts. It’s too bad that things have to go their own way but I wish you the best of luck in all of your guys’ future endeavors!

  4. I keep coming back here and then seeing the Adieu post. I will miss your blog but understand that life goes on and so must we all. I wanted to thank you for all this wonderful you posted. May all your bread be toasted to your liking.

  5. I’m so sad that this closed! I made one a while ago that’s pretty similar that I haven’t updated in a while, I tried to make it so that if you press the random button you will always stumble upon something lovely

  6. Thank you for everything sorry to see you go I wish you the best in love and life. I will miss endless hours of teaming through beautiful photos and quotes that always changed my day to a happier tune. Much love


  7. I stumbled on this blog a while back and this is the only website that i checked often that i found while stumbling. Thank you for the wonderful blog and music advice.

  8. i miss your quotes =( i love all of the other thins too your musical taste is amazing but i do actually miss the quotes you put up hopw to see some soon ?

  9. After knowing about this blog for 2 yrs I still come back and check everyday even though I have honestly been through every page it never gets old I started a tumblr blog because of the inspiration yours gave me I wish tyou the best in anything you do next and id really appriciate it if you could give us names to blogs that you would recommend and feel would maek us feel just as awesome as yours did

  10. I too stumbled upon this site over a year ago and have checked on it every week since. I have truly enjoyed your posts, videos, pictures, and quotes. Your outlook was always refreshing and uplifting. You have touched many lives; as I am sure you will continue to do. Good luck out there. Best. <3

  11. Goodmorningandgoodnight will certainly be missed… it could never be replaced but merely imitated. It was nice to see a website look at life through such a simple and inspiring lens in an era of internet garbage. For the past year this website inspired, motivated, and made me ponder everyday. Thank you.

  12. I’m sad to see this go, thank you so much for brightening my days, inspiring me and for all the smiles you raised! Much love and all the very best for the future!

  13. Is there anyway you can take every quote and put it in a word document? I would love to print them all out and put them in a binder. Seriously.

  14. I love this blog. I still have it saved in my bookmarks. I feel like this blog is one of my ex boyfriends, I check it every so often in case you have decided to come back to me and start blogging again. </3

  15. Since stumbling upon this site almost a year and a half ago, I’ve checked back every other week or so. Thank you for sharing so much, and I wish you the best in whatever you do next. Cheers!

  16. NOOOOOO!!!! I have so enjoyed your blog. Thank you so much and Good Luck in the next stage in your life :)

  17. Your blog helped me so much…saved me could be a better word. I’m terribly disappointed for you saying goodbye. I’ll truly miss this. So much.. You’re amazing. Love what you started. You are significant.

  18. I found this site using stumble-upon about close to a year ago now and I will continue to wish I would have found it sooner. A refreshing dose of interesting is exactly what this blog has been to me and I will be forever thankful for that. You gave me a whole new outlook on the world that without your help I would not have discovered. Quotes were especially important to me and they help me get through a lot going through high school. I wish you only the best and a final thank you for teaching me to,” spend so much time on the improvement of myself that I have no time to criticizes others”

  19. I’ve looked at your site every single day for over a year. Simply put, I love your posts! I will sincerely miss this blog. You have great taste! Your posts have inspired me so much with interesting words, ideas and images– I am in your dept. This quote inspired me to start my own blog ( I hope you are moving on to bigger and better things! Thank you, good luck & Goodnight Basheer! ~Ali K

  20. I’m quite upset the blog has closed but I’m also thankful for all the insights and inspiration! Hope your next endeavours are as awesome as this one. Keep it up, B!

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