
Beautiful Scrabble Set

8:03am | Mar 8th, 2011

Typeface Scrabble 8

A-1 Scrabble, a concept by Andrew Capener, who graduated from BYU last year, has pieces that eschew Scrabble’s standard News Gothic-y look altogether in favor of a big medley of typefaces. So while you’re spelling out “highjack” (28 points, FTW!), you can really nerd things up by relishing in the visual alchemy of a Helvetica “C” alongside a Courier New “z” — all on a stately walnut board that comes in a beautifully minimal birch box. Or you can buy the game with a single typeface, then snap up extra pieces in different typefaces, through Scrabble’s website, whenever you feel like something new. Capener tells us his motivation was simple: “I set out to… create a scrabble set that a designer would dream of.”

Typeface Scrabble 7

Typeface Scrabble 4

-Via Fastcodesign

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