
Slo-Mo Motogp Cornering

Jul 31st, 2011

-Via Devour

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It’s so repellant to me….

Jul 30th, 2011

“It’s so repellant to me. This constant mantra about how some people have this special thing. I don’t know why you’re not where you want to be, but all I’m saying is, well, they don’t and they’re just making sacrifices you’re not willing to make yet. And that doesn’t make anyone good or bad, but is a really lame excuse to constantly look at every case in the world and act like it’s some special exception or you didn’t have access to what they had, or you don’t live in Brooklyn, or you don’t have a cute wife, or whatever it is.” ~Merlin Mann

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Live the Hemingway

Jul 30th, 2011

1000 Memories sent me this fantastic poster they printed to celebrate Ernest Hemingway’s life. It’s a lot of fun to read. View their [entire blog post] or even better, go learn more and share things about the man himself on their (pretty gorgeous) website.

Ernest Hemingway 1000memories Poster

Hemingway 1000memories Poster 5

Img 6846

-Via 1000memories

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These are the Creatures in my Neighborhood

Jul 30th, 2011

These are the Creatures in my Neighborhood

-Via Photojojo’s Tumblr

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Zedd – The Legend of Zelda Remix

Jul 30th, 2011

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

iTunes | Amazon

Amazing. It gets epic at 1:55

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Bote Bathtub Play

Jul 30th, 2011

Bote 05dailyicon

This series of floating boats in cork and plastic for Portuguese Company Materia are gorgeous. Sure beats the rubber ducky I grew up with.

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Composed by a cork hull and a plastic add-on piece (a sail, a row of engine chimneys or a cabin) Bote is your ticket to plenty of imaginative seafaring.

-Via Joshspear

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Everyone has talent. What’s rare…

Jul 29th, 2011

“Everyone has talent. What’s rare is the courage to follow it to the dark places where it leads.” ~Erica Jong

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Modular Interactive Music-Making Furniture

Jul 29th, 2011

Acoustic Wooden Table Craft

From chairs and benches to chests and tables, these modestly elegant objects are crafted with a subtle secondary purpose – each one can be tapped, slapped, pounded or hit to create a series of carefully-planned sounds.

Musical Wooden Benches Tables

Tom Clausen makes his interactive musical furniture out of his warehouse studio in Portland, Oregon.

Musical Table Drum set

He shapes everything from simple instruments to complex objects that have appeared in childhood learning centers, science museums, parks and homes around the country since he started adding acoustics to his craft two decades ago.

Musical Interactive Acoustic Furnishings

Each is distinguishable via different woods used and sounds made, including low, medium and high bong, shaker, chimes, bells, drums and cymbals created using combinations of carved wood and shaped metal.

-Via Dornob

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I’m Here, Still Alive

Jul 29th, 2011

I'm Here, Still Alive

-Via Flickr

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Nicolas Jaar – El Bandido

Jul 29th, 2011

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

iTunes | Amazon

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