
Mountain Landscape

Jul 1st, 2011

Mountain Landscape

-Via Karishma

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There are only two worlds…

Jun 30th, 2011

“There are only two worlds – your world, which is the real world, and other worlds, the fantasy. Worlds like this are worlds of the human imagination: their reality, or lack of reality, is not important. What is important is that they are there. these worlds provide an alternative. Provide an escape. Provide a threat. Provide a dream, and power; provide refuge, and pain. They give your world meaning. They do not exist; and thus they are all that matters.” ~Neil Gaiman, The Books of Magic

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Lantau Island

Jun 30th, 2011

Lantau Island

-Via Flickr

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Ram Trucks

Jun 30th, 2011

-Via Youtube

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There’s Something Romantic

Jun 30th, 2011

There's Something Romantic

-Via Flickr

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Urban Elevator by Vaumm

Jun 30th, 2011

Dezeen Urbanization and Urban Elevator by Vaumm top 3

An outdoor elevator by Spanish architects Vaumm connects the mountainside neighbourhoods of a Spanish town to those in the valley. The elevator shaft, at Errenteria in northern Spain, has a steel truss structure encased in clear glass, through which the moving elevator is visible.

Dezeen Urbanization and Urban Elevator by Vaumm 3

At the lift summit a bridge branches outwards to meet the steeply inclining ground. Ridged concrete wraps around the base of the tower, retaining the sloping landscape.

Dezeen Urbanization and Urban Elevator by Vaumm top 1

-Via Notcot

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Jamie Beck: Cinemagraphs

Jun 29th, 2011

5659126818 2b 12d 9f 1e 5 o

5658551241 8852d 44b 38 o

5658550961 6976fa 5188 o

-Via Iso50 Blog

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Young Love – Close Your Eyes

Jun 29th, 2011

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

iTunes | Amazon

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Andrew Zo: Engagement Ring

Jun 29th, 2011

2c 037d 1b 3b 0cb 4bd 8b 22fd 09c 43c 2637

-Via Notcot

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The Pier

Jun 29th, 2011

The Pier

-Via Flickr

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